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Does being a business owner mean divorce is more likely?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2024 | Divorce

Owning a business brings a unique set of challenges, which can place significant strain on a marriage. The time, stress, and financial pressures involved in running a business may contribute to a higher risk of divorce for some business owners.

However, all relationships are unique. It is worth carefully examining common divorce factors to help you navigate professional and marital responsibilities effectively.

Balancing time

One factor that increases the risk of divorce for business owners is the time commitment. Running a successful business often requires long hours, which can lead to a lack of time spent with a spouse. This imbalance can create feelings of neglect, frustration or resentment. Over time, these feelings may erode the foundation of the marriage, leading to separation or divorce.

Financial pressures

Business can be unpredictable, with income fluctuating based on market conditions or other uncontrollable factors. The possibility of financial instability can cause significant stress within a marriage. This is especially true when one spouse feels burdened by the financial risks associated with the business. Disagreements over spending, saving or investing can create tension, contributing to marital discord.

Business disputes

Another challenge arises when the business itself becomes a source of conflict. Disputes may occur over the role each spouse plays in the business, the decision-making process or the allocation of profits. In some cases, one spouse may feel left out of business matters, creating feelings of alienation.

There are statistics indicating that more than 43% of business owners go through a divorce. While being a business owner does not guarantee divorce, the lifestyle associated with entrepreneurship can increase the likelihood of marital issues. Succeeding in both love and business requires thoughtful balancing.