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Common fault claims for divorce in Connecticut

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2022 | Firm News

Although Connecticut permits no-fault divorce filings, this is not strictly a no-fault state. In fact, fault-based divorces are common in Connecticut family courts. If you and your spouse are considering divorce, you should understand what constitutes a fault-based divorce.

There are a few common reasons for fault in a divorce.


Infidelity is a leading cause for divorce. When one partner strays from the marriage, sometimes the broken trust is irrecoverable.


Substance abuse and addiction also lead to many divorces. The partner who does not have the addiction may feel neglected, disrespected or even unsafe in the environment.


Money is a significant source of conflict in marriages. Particularly when both parties have differing philosophies for spending, saving and investments, this can lead to unresolved issues. If one spouse has taken on significant debt, left the household struggling financially or misrepresented their financial standing, that can be grounds for divorce.


Domestic violence is far more prevalent than many people realize. Domestic abuse survivors file a number of fault-based divorces.


Alienation of affection is another fault-based cause for divorce. If one party in the marriage has stopped acknowledging their partner, no longer comes home or has otherwise alienated their spouse for an extended period of time, that may qualify as alienation of affection.

Amicable no-fault divorces may be easier, but not all divorces fit that mold. These are some of the leading reasons for a fault-based divorce. If you are facing a situation like this, it is important to understand your legal rights.